In response to Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-7-22 regarding outdoor watering regulations, the watering days have changed. Effective immediately the water days are as follows: During the months of March through October, all properties within the City of Ripon with an even address are only allowed to water landscaping on Tuesday and Saturday. During the months of March through October, all properties within the City of Ripon with an odd address are only allowed to water landscaping on Wednesday and Sunday. No watering on Monday, Thursday, and Friday or between the hours of 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. To report water waste please email or go to To learn more about your water usage, sign up at Penalties: If residents do not follow the watering schedule, a penalty will be assessed after the first written warning:
The first violation within a one-year period is $50
The second violation within a one-year period is $100
The third violation within a one-year period is $200
Any additional violation within a one-year period is $400