Magpie Antiques located on First Street in Ripon is refusing to stay closed with its 19 vendors complaining of their loss in income, despite recent warnings from the Ripon Police Department.
Owner Janet Dyk is fighting mad with the initial order that has crippled her business saying she draws no funds from the sales in her shop as the profits go totally to her vendors in the 2,700 square foot building. She had been planning a soft re-opening Monday for her vendors after being in business in Ripon for more than seven years. That event was postponed after hearing from the PD.
Monday saw numerous customers file through her front door wearing masks. Many of her vendors crowded around her for a group picture showing their drive and support to keep the shop doors open even by hourly telephone appointments.
Dyk said she has received an “education” call from the police department on her status and told there would be two formal warnings to come. The ultimate would be a possible $1,000 citation followed by a cease and desist order. She noted that the closure has already gone on all too long.
Of that promised to cease and desist order, she said she would tear it up as Nancy Pelosi did with the President’s speech before Congress. She said the only way that she will close is when they take her off to jail.
Her customers Monday were given appointments on the hour and told they had to wear face masks and maintain a social distance from other customers as she monitored her front door.
Dyk maintains the virus actually came through Ripon in January when many of her vendors and family were sick along with 40 students at Ripon Christian High School all at the same time.
“It’s time we get past this quarantine,” she said. “The federal quarantine actually ended April 30 and wasn't extended,” she added. “I am a small business owner and I don't want anyone saying that my business is non=essential.”
Chuckling, she showed her PG&E bill saying it had never been so low, but with the business closure during the quarantine, it had dropped to $173 normally $400.for the month. She said she did a Christmas fair and sales hit $18,000 to show the store’s potential volume.
She noted that her mother Lilian said, “Go, girl, we didn't raise you to stand back, but I can’ afford to bail you out!”
Dyk noted that Debbie’s Pet Grooming on Main Street has already been closed down.