Ceremonies remembering combat soldiers who gave their lives for their country began on Monday’s Memorial Day with American Flags being placed on light poles in Ripon’s downtown by members of the VFW followed by a military seven gun salute at the Ripon Cemetery.
The cemetery event had been downgraded in its size from past years due to the current Pandemic for fear of spreading the virus. With the importance of the day in the hearts and souls of the Ripon veterans, there was no question something had to be done to honor those who hadn't come home
Veterans of Foreign Wars Commander Jorge Velez was joined by Police Chief Ed Ormonde, American Legion commander, as the flag crew hung some 60 flags in the downtown within 30 minutes at 7 a.m. Monday morning.
A small group of family members gathered in the cemetery to watch the firing of the popular M-1 rifles by the military honor guard. Brass from the bullets was picked up and handed to those observing the memorial event.
From the cemetery the VFW invited everyone to a free lunch from 11 to 3 at the veterans’ hall on West Ripon Road.
Members of the American Legion had placed small American Flags on the grave of the Ripon vets in the cemetery usually the honor of the Boy Scouts who had been turned away due to the virus.
The ceremony was recorded by American Legion members and will be available right here on MyRipon soon for the community to review.
Great Memorial Day “My Ripon” Reporting 2020! 🇺🇸-
Great job Glenn!!’