Following a distinguished 25-year career in law enforcement, Ripon Police Chief Edward Ormonde has formally announced his retirement, effective from September 15, 2023. Ormonde commenced his journey with the Ripon Police Department in 1998 as a patrol officer and, throughout the years, occupied various positions within the department, inclusive of 20 years in supervisory and managerial capacities. As Chief, Ormonde was at the helm of a team comprising 67 personnel, which included 24 sworn police officers. He cultivated an internal environment that prioritized the mental and physical well-being of his team members. Moreover, under his leadership, the department demonstrated an unwavering commitment to serving and protecting the community with an exemplary standard of excellence. This was achieved by embracing a proactive policing mindset that integrated community-based policing strategies.
Throughout his tenure, Ormonde's foresight for an improved department was manifested in several initiatives he introduced:
Implementation of a body-worn camera program to augment staff accountability and foster transparency within the community, leading to a significant decrease in citizen complaints.
Establishment of the COPS on Campus Program, which stationed additional officers on school grounds during diverse periods throughout the day, fostering trust amongst students and faculty while enhancing campus security.
Introduction of the Data-Driven Approach to Crime and Traffic Safety program, which has proven highly effective at reducing crime rates, accidents and traffic violations—establishing Ripon as one of California's safest communities.
Expansion of the License Plate Reader program coupled with upgrades to the city-wide camera system—both have played instrumental roles in successfully solving crimes.
Promotion of non-enforcement community contacts to boost community engagement and introduction of regularly scheduled community outreach programs alongside informational initiatives.
Ensuring that all officers were equipped with state-of-the-art training and technology so that they could fulfill their roles as trusted members of law enforcement.
Ormonde's contributions to the community transcend the initiatives he executed. He garnered immense respect from both his fellow officers and the community he served. Mayor Mike Restuccia extended his admiration, stating, "We are bidding farewell to a Chief who embodies the pinnacle of values, morals, and ethics that any community could desire. He has ingrained within our police officers a sense of community focus that will persist long after his retirement. He will always be a cherished friend, and I wish him every success in retirement. I remain confident that he will continue to accomplish remarkable things." The efficacy of Ormonde's initiatives and the development of the department under his stewardship are proof of his unwavering commitment to public service.
Upon Ormonde's departure, Lieutenant Daniel Sauer will assume the position of Police Chief. With an extensive track record of service within our community, Lieutenant Sauer has exhibited tremendous dedication to public safety and engagement. We firmly believe that under his leadership, our police department will persist in delivering exceptional services while safeguarding residents' welfare.
"The City of Ripon extends its sincerest gratitude to Chief Ormonde for his outstanding service and wishes him every success in future endeavors. As his retirement date approaches, Chief Ormonde will share a personal message with the Ripon community", according to a social media post from the Department's official Facebook page.
Thank you Chief Ormonde for your service❤️