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PRESS RELEASE – Ripon Christian receives AED from Ripon Quarterback Club

On November 12, 2015:


The Ripon Quarterback Club generously donated an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) to Ripon Christian’s new stadium and the device is located in the stadium’s Team Room, available and ready for use, should a cardiac emergency arise (Sudden Cardiac Arrest – SCA). Longtime CPR Instructor and PE Teacher, Janet Engel, along with Eric Segaar, RCS Superintendent, were on hand to receive the donated AED from Ripon Quarterback Club President, Mark Lucchesi and Ripon Fire Chief, Dennis Bitters. The Quarterback Club stepped up to provide funding for the purchase of the AED at a cost of approximately $1300, including the storage cabinet and appropriate signage. This is the sixth such device to be placed on the RC campus; other devices are located in various buildings from the Elementary School to the Gym.

The placement of the donated AED was facilitated by the Ripon Fire Department Volunteer Firemen’s Association, through the Ripon Fire Department Community AED Program. Although the program to obtain AEDs from various types of donations (private individuals, organizations, businesses, etc.) was started several years ago, due to the economic downturn, donations toward these devices tapered off and the program was temporarily put on-hold. The program has recently benefited from an increase in donations, both public and private, and the program’s committee members are in the process of identifying locations around the City of Ripon for possible placement of these potentially life-saving devices.

Ripon Fire Department will continue to oversee the program, as well as provide routine maintenance of the AEDs. Education and Training is also available through the quarterly classes given at Ripon Fire Station 1, as well as additional training, upon request.

Studies have shown the “Use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) can increase the chance or surviving SCA by 70%. The chance of survival from SCA decreases 7-10% for every minute that passes for someone in SCA. Sources: Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) Publications 3185, 3317; AHA


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