The Ripon Cemetery hosted a memorial Monday morning for all the past veterans from the Ripon
community as small American flags dotted the lawned landscape and a large flag flew overhead from the Fire Department’s 100- foot ladder truck parked near the south entrance.
The 10:30 a.m. event was led by American Legion Post 190 Vice Commander John Chandar, Jr. following a bugle call by Rob Omohundro and a rendition of the National Anthem by soloist Savannah Clark before a crowd of some 200.
The traditional striking of the memorial bell recognized 26 Ripon men lost in military action from World War I to Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq. Ringing the bell and reading the names of those lost were longtime Legionnaire and past commander Ernie Tyhurst and his grandson Austin.
The placing of the Memorial Wreath was the duty of Steven and William Verver of the American Legion Sons Squadron 190 near the Flag Pole in the center of the Cemetery. Longtime Ripon teacher Carla Escola gave the Memorial Address.
World War 1
Clinton McCausland (post named for him)
Word War II
John Van Andel
Henry Bouma, Jr.
Raymond Clifton
Wayne Coe
Lyman Fulton
Kenneth Grisham
James Haller
William Haller
John Harp
John Kamps
Radomir Kolak
Paul Madsen
Carl Peterson
Viggo Peterson
Oscar Poelstra
John Smit
Richard Van Slyke
Harmon Tornga
Arthur Freshour, Jr.
Norman Roesbery
Orville Roesberry
George Coutrakis
Gary Van Tol
Joseph Perry
The raising of the half-mast flag was Ripon Legionnaire Ernie Tyhurst as the assembly watched.
While the placing of flowers on the gravestones of lost servicemen and women was traditional, the contemporary Memorial Day practice began with the end of the Civil War. In four years of fighting more than 622,000 Americans from the North and from the South had died in battle.
The event came to a close with Amazing Grace by Malachi Johannsen, the singing of America the Beautiful by Savannah Clark, and the Sounding of Taps by Rob Omohundro on the bugle.
Following the event, the VFW hosted a luncheon at their post on West Ripon Road serving so many they ran out of food.