Johnathan Williams, 20, was killed Wednesday afternoon at about 2:30 p.m. when he reportedly lost control of his 2009 Kawasaki motorcycle as he was splitting lanes and slid on its side

beneath a tractor-trailer rig on Highway 99 in the Northbound lanes just north of the Stanislaus River Bridge, according to the California Highway Patrol.
Williams was reportedly caught between the fourth and fifth axels of the rig’s trailer and died at the scene. Officers estimated his speed at about 60 miles per hour at the time of the crash. The driver of the Freightliner semi-rig was a 63-year-old Manteca resident. He was not injured in the crash, the CHP reported.
Freeway traffic was reportedly snarled in both directions as well as on all the service streets in Ripon at the beginning of the commute hour. One Ripon motorist said it had taken her only 15 minutes to get to Salida for an appointment but more than an hour and a half to get back home.
Two lanes of the freeway were closed for about three hours. Friends recalled Williams to be a nice kid who worked as a manager at McDonald's.
Glenn Kahl I feel Jonathan Williams deserved much better than the effort you put into this article. You went into great detail about the accident and the effect it had on traffic. Only one line about Jonathan that he was a nice kid. A picture would have been nice. Who he is survived by, family members, maybe a link to a go fund me page. While many people where effected by the traffic situation including myself. The real tragedy is Mr. Williams losing his life at such a young age. I hope in the future you can write an article to celebrate the life of Jonathan Williams!