The City of Ripon canceled the annual Citywide Garage Sale that normally takes place in October due to COVID-19, however, one Ripon resident is reviving it this Saturday, October 10th.
Kailene Espinoza posted on a local community Facebook page back in September that "Ripon has canceled this year's October Citywide Yard Sale due to COVID and many Ripon residents have expressed their desire to continue this year as a community-sponsored event." Espinoza's post continues, "I will be putting together a Google Map that will then be posted on all local yard sale Facebook pages."
As of today, the community-sponsored Citywide Garage Sale, which was organized solely by Espinoza is a go, with over 70 addresses listed on that Google Map that she put together. Again, taking to social media, Espinoza shared the link to the map marking all of the addresses that will be participating as well as reminding everyone, including sellers and buyers, to follow all COVID protocols and wear a mask!
Below is the map with all the locations that have signed up to be part of the Citywide Garage Sale. To find out more about the location, including the type of items that will be for sale, click on any of the blue icons on the map.