Justin and Kristina Creel opened their “Twisted Tulip” yogurt shop on Colony Road in true Dutch tradition welcoming their customers to their family-style dessert venue every day from 11 to 9 p.m. located near Jack Tone Road.
Giant tulips adorn the rear of the shop that is done in the colors of the Dutch soccer team in The Netherlands.
They opened on September 1 with their two children at their sides, Samantha 6 and Noah, 4. Samantha attends Great Valley Academy and Noah is a preschooler.
Justin spoke to Ripon Rotary on Wednesday at their regular weekly meeting at the Spring Creek Country Club. Of special note this week was the arrival of the Piedmont Fire Department with one of their firefighters making a dash for the yogurt shop before leaving the local hotel with their three trucks returning from the Creek Fire near Fresno.
Kristina worked at the Friends Beauty Salon on West Main Street in Ripon for about nine years where she continually heard her clients call for the need of a yogurt shop in the community. She and her husband jumped at the opportunity but the onset of the Virus Pandemic showed them a bit but at the urging of friends and family, they moved ahead. Justin has long been in the refrigeration and farming businesses and is programmed to take care of the equipment in their shop when in need. He said hard work has been nothing new to him and was ready for the new family adventure.
Like any new business, financing was a worry but they noted that they had reached their break-even numbers early on and began to relax a little. Justin said the community has been great as have the schools in the community. They are already planning for next year, he added. Justin attended Ripon Christian High School and Kristina graduated from Davis.
Justin said the San Joaquin County Health Department and the City of Ripon have been great to work with as they put their plan together. They have five yogurt machines with 10 flavors daily and two of which are sugar-free. They have 55 different toppings.